meat, greed and politics
Published on May 5, 2004 By krugodam In Welcome
Sometimes you have to wonder what the hell is going on in the world. People seem to be only concerned about themselves. Certainly not about anyone who may happen to be different to themselves. Wouldn’t it be nice if people stopped being obsessed with money and possessions...

We are continually told by the experts that resources are scarce that there is not enough to go around, not true! We produce more than enough food to feed the entire population of the earth. Unfortunately we then have to go and feed most of it to cattle, pigs and chickens, what a waste.

Every day I see people on their way to work, and they always look such a happy bunch.

I tend to feel very alienated from most people I meet. I have no interest in faking any interest peoples newest possessions, whatever. People buy things to fill a void in their lives, or eat too much, sleep with strangers, have relationships with people who treat them badly etc. or just do their best to hurt other people to make them feel a little better about themselves.

When people eat meat, they are actually eating the fear and horror that passes through the animals body before it dies, do people really want to be filling their bodies with that stuff? To me it explains a lot about peoples actions towards others.

It is hard for me to try and remain in a positive frame of mind when I am surrounded by this society, I am too easily affected by those around me. Not being a leader I can’t change those around me, no matter how much I would like to. I just to set a good example and hope others may see it and make a change in their own lives.

And seeing what our ‘esteemed’ leader in Australia is doing by blindly following ‘president’ bush makes me very sad indeed. I certainly hope that both howard and bush will lose their respective elections this year.

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